Implant Prosthodontics

1. All-on-4 (Same Day teeth) implant prosthesis

This treatment is designed for patient to have all the teeth removed for whatever reasons: advanced and rampant caries, periodontal disease, trauma.

For selective cases and individuals, we are able to have the implants placed in the alveolar bones (with or without teeth extractions) followed by insertion of the fixed interim implant supported prosthesis. Not only providing instant fixed teeth on the implants, but also minimize post operative discomfort.

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Before treatment photo – Immediate interim upper teeth in place following same day all-on-4 surgery.

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Permanent prosthesis in place in few months – Patient’s smile.

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Permanent prosthesis – Post operative radiograph

2. Single and multiple implant restorations for partially edentulous arch 

Case 1

Single tooth implant restoration replacing missing anterior upper right tooth.

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Case 2

Missing lower central incisor from trauma, replaced with naturally esthetic single implant restoration.


Case 3

Implant bridge for four upper anterior teeth.

Four anterior upper teeth had to be extracted due to mobility and short roots.

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Bone graft procedure to build the missing bone followed by implant placement in few months.

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Final prosthesis in place, two implant supported four unit bridge.

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Post operative radiographs.

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Case 4

Single tooth implant placement on upper left lateral incisor (#10).

Custom shade and characterization for 100% match with contra-lateral side.

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3. Implant retained Overdenture

Two implant retained overdenture prosthesis is an alternative to fixed implant prosthesis.

Not only it is more economical but also easier to keep the prosthesis clean as being able to remove it from the supporting gums.



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